Welcome to Maxton NC

Maxton is a town on the move, over the past few years strives have been made to restore the downtown area. The entire downtown area has been placed on the National Register of Historical Places. The “Avenue of Mayors”, a project that placed utility lines underground along Patterson Street and planted trees in memory and honor of former Mayors. The town offices are housed in the restored Patterson building. The restoration was the brainchild of The Preservation Maxton Foundation, a non-profit organization that raises money to restore and save endangered historical buildings in Maxton. The Town restored the Freight Building, which houses a restaurant with an additional space for rent.

Total People lived
in our Town
0 +
Square miles
region covers
0 M
garden land
Average Costs of Home
0 $

Over 100 years
in the ruling

Super power Administration

Great elected officials that strive to make the town better

127 years of town history

In 1874, Maxton was Incorporated

Lovely town spots

Maxton can be a relaxing and stress free place.

Meet City Council

The city council have the real super powers as administraion to lead country.

Discover our lovely and
vibrant town

Experience the Tradition, Great and the Natural Beauty of the town

Latest News & Events

The news about recent activities for needed peoples claimed.

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